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Chapter 271: Bonfire

Aggressive dubstep & electronic

Rock has been losing steam as a mainstream force for 20 years now, but as long as young people exist, there will be a need for music with big chunky riffs, exciting dynamic swings, and headbang-worthy rhythms. In the last decade, EDM (especially the derisively named ‘bro-step’) has filled that cultural hole, with Knife Party, Skrillex and DJ Snake wringing some behemoth riffage from their plugin stacks. Keeping the party going are a tweaky electro-pop banger from Mumbai’s Shaa’ir + Func, and Azealia Banks’ deliriously nasty “212.”
1. Knife Party


2. Azealia Banks


3. Tim Exile

Family Galaxy

4. Gang Gang Dance


5. Skrillex

Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites

6. DJ Snake & Lil Jon

Turn Down For What

7. Martin Garrix


8. Shaa'ir + Func

My Roots

9. Mouse On Mars

Actionist Respoke

10. M.I.A.
