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Chapter 274: Slow Dancers

Indie ballads

Mitski found success in the last decade thanks to songwriting of unrivaled emotional clarity, but her skill for arrangement shouldn’t be ignored. “Two Slow Dancers” starts, like many of these songs, with stark voice and keyboard alone - then a glowing synth solo takes center stage, followed by waves of hair-raising feedback, rising and falling with her inner state. Naked simplicity is one way to shorten the empathic distance between singer and listener, but well-modulated stacks of sound can work too, when modulated by the sensitive likes of Sigur Ros or Owen Pallett.
1. Fiona Apple

Every Single Night

2. Beach House


3. The Walkmen


4. Julien Baker


5. TV On The Radio


6. Bat for Lashes


7. Mirrorring

Drowning the Call

8. Owen Pallett

E Is for Estranged

9. Mitski

Two Slow Dancers

10. Sigur Rós

Svefn - G - Englar