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Chapter 88: Whipping Post

Blues rock & guitar heroes

Yes, I’ve heard you yelling “Free Bird!” at your Spotify player, smartass; it’s right here, after a triple dose of Zep, two deep rips of Jimi Hendrix, and two searing Duane Allman solos. (Due to my desire to avoid 20+ minute songs, though, it is the studio version of “Whipping Post,” not the Fillmore East one.) ‘Guitar hero’ is a perfectly apt term for these musicians playing the apotheosis of blues rock indulgence - when you’re listening to them, you feel unstoppable, unbreakable, faster than a speeding bullet.
1. Boston

Foreplay / Long Time

2. Led Zeppelin

Black Dog

3. The Jimi Hendrix Experience

Purple Haze

4. Albert King

Born Under A Bad Sign

5. Derek & The Dominos


6. Led Zeppelin

Since I've Been Loving You

7. The Jimi Hendrix Experience

If 6 Was 9

8. The Allman Brothers Band

Whipping Post

9. Led Zeppelin

Dazed and Confused

10. Lynyrd Skynyrd

Free Bird