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Chapter 196: My Face Would Crack

Industrial & noise rock

In the mid 90s, just as electronic dance music was cusping but before hard rock fell into decline, there was a brief, glorious convergence where these orbiting moons fed off each other’s chaotic energy. The resulting lunar debris varies in intensity, from the pumping rusty-nail grooves of Ministry and Nine Inch Nails to the spastic cyclones of Alec Empire and Aphex Twin at his heaviest. Caught in this supernova are circuit-breaking trolls past and future, the industrial pioneers in Throbbing Gristle and the antagonistic noise mavens of Death Grips.
1. Ministry


2. Nine Inch Nails


3. Aphex Twin

Come To Daddy (Pappy Mix)


Juke-Joint Jezebel

5. Nine Inch Nails

The Hand That Feeds

6. Alec Empire

My Face Would Crack

7. Throbbing Gristle

Hamburger Lady

8. Black Dice

Cone Toaster

9. Throbbing Gristle

20 Jazz Funk Greats

10. Death Grips

Whatever I Want (Fuck Who's Watching)